Saturday, August 18, 2012

Burning up

Oh my word has it been hot this week. It has been in the 90's this week which wouldn't be so bad if we had an a/c. I truly don't mind heat when there is a/c. We stayed home both days just going with the flow of the heat. Abbie was quite bothered by the heat and slept much of yesterday. Today is only supposed to be in the 80's so much more bearable. We are just having a relaxing Saturday at this point. I know I have to get them out to do something today as Zander is going crazy being stuck in the house for 2 whole days.
I am missing Tony quite a bit since he has only been getting on at night and I must sleep when the kids do so I haven't been getting to talk to him.
School starts in 2 1/2 weeks and I am excited for the big boys to go. I am not looking forward to all the work that comes with sending the kids to school everyday, homework, lunches, less time for them to do their chores. I am also excited for quiet afternoons. I have been having Abbie nap when Zander does so that when school starts they can nap so I can get stuff done or catch a nap. Whatever I need that day. I wish I was able to handle all the kids at home and home school them because I do love each of my children very much but I just can't stay on a schedule to get school stuff done. I wouldn't mind keeping one home and using the online public school here in Washington. Just not sure I could keep up with the non-computer stuff. Hopefully one day I'll be able to school some of my children.
However so many boys is just constant fighting. This has been the worst summer so far. I mean I do have a lot going on and am alone most of the time with all the kids.
I feel like I am running in a hamster wheel  doing the same thing all day everyday. I miss Tony's help with the little things like putting away laundry and helping with bedtime and dishes. Now that I am doing those chores too I am too exhausted to stay on top of all my heavy cleaning. I haven't fallen too behind but let's say there are some things in the house that need cleaning.
Today I have sent the boys outside to burn off some energy. They are going crazy. Not sure where we are going today but we'll be going out to do something.
I wish I had more friends shoot any friends would work. My friends I hung out with before Tony left one moved and the other just stopped talking to me. Not sure what happened there but whatever. I prefer keeping to myself just like an adult conversation once in a while would be nice.

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