Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Zander's in Kindergarten

I am just so excited about this little guy and his learning. He is so bright and so driven to keep going and to learn new things. He's 4. He won't be 5 until August and he's doing so well. He's doing great in math and reading. He's doing regular math up to about 10 or 12.

I was so worried about teaching him because he's very particular about what he's doing and I was afraid it would be hard to get him to focus. It has been super easy. He sits down does a few pages and then goes on. Yesterday he was doing beginning sounds. Now we haven't really worked on that, but he is whizzing through it and getting the answers right. It is just amazing to me.

I am worried about keeping up with his drive and pushing him to excel without overworking his little 4 year old ability.

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