Monday, May 30, 2011

The more I think...

The worse off I am. lol I am still trying to decide about this moving thing. We are on the waiting list. Could most likely move in July, but I don't know if I want to. The more I read about on post housing the more I learn that right now there are some bad teens in the neighborhoods breaking into cars/houses and stealing things. I can't deal with that with or without Tony. I am already an easily scared person, so moving to an area that I know is dangerous doesn't seem like a good idea to me. Right now the boys are free to go out and play, but on post the teens are also causing trouble at the playgrounds. I think what I need to do is just wait. The 3 options are: 1. move in July to whatever the army has available. We would have to pay to get everything fixed that has been broken in this house. We save commute time for Tony, but risk the on post threat. 2. Stay here until Tony deploys early next year, pack up our belongings and put them in storage, me and the kids go home for a few months 2-3 and then return and live on post in hopes that the current dangers are dealt with. Or 3. Just stay here the whole time he is gone since we will be moving when he gets back anyway to where ever he re-enlist to go and just take an extended visit home for a month at some point.
I guess the more July sneaks up on me the more I want to stay put and not move. I just don't want to pack. I don't want less space and that is something we will deal with on post. If we stay here Tony wants to talk about getting a more gas efficient vehicle, but I want to wait until he gets back from deployment so that we're not paying insurance and payments on a car that isn't being driven.
Maybe when I go into pay my rent this month I'll set up an appointment with the rental agent and discuss some of the things that need to be done and see what she thinks. I have a fear of living here without a timed lease and just living month to month as I can't just pick up and move with 20 days notice since they don't have to have a good reason to evict us if we're not in a lease. I don't want to just move to another rental, so it's here or post.

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