Thursday, June 2, 2011

Annoying Neighbor strikes again...

So I dealt with her the other day. I said I would try to take care of the toys/socks/our stuff going over the fence. All I can do is remind the boys each time they go outside to keep our stuff in our yard. I will do my best, but she hasn't even given this time to work.
Today however I guess she felt the need to address this issue with my kindergarten child at school. She works at the school as a teacher's helper I think. She told him that because she has a dog over there and she doesn't want it to get sick that when toys come over the fence that she just has to throw them away because the dog chews on them. He was upset because she said she had to throw them away. However I am mad because I feel like she abused her privileges at the school to discuss something that shouldn't be discussed at school. I told her I was sorry and that I would take care of there was no need to bring it up with my child. And honestly he isn't the one throwing things over the fence, it would be my 4 year old.
I want to deal with this abuse of privileges with the school, but not sure if I should call, e-mail, or just go there. I don't deal well with confrontation, but I don't word things well when I'm mad. School is almost out, but they still have 2 full weeks plus a few days.

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