After having Abbie we we're finally on the other side of having boy stuff and girl stuff and it no longer really mattered what the baby was. S/he was exactly what God created for our family and we'd find out at delivery. Tony was a little less on board originally and I too thought I would waver and not stick it out. During my first appointments with my midwife I said that we wanted to be team green. She jumped on that and without her I probably would have found out at our u/s, but she had made it very clear to them that we didn't want to know. (However looking back the u/s tech did call him a "he" several times which is the same thing the tech did with Zavier, and as the mommy I knew they were calling them correctly each time.) Tony held out hope though that this was our second little girl, but I just knew it wasn't.
Now as far as feelings through the pregnancy, it was an emotional wavering roller coaster. I'd have moments that I didn't care what baby was and then moments later be all crazy with emotions not "knowing who baby was". I spent a lot of time not knowing who baby was because I couldn't call it by name. I didn't really call him much during my pregnancy. I did go back and forth with our boy and girl names.
While we were pretty set with our girl name or its alternative we struggled a lot with a boys name. Having the 4 boys already that all started with a "Z" I wasn't sure I could leave that. I have tried with Zander and a little with Zavier, but Tony kept saying "they were last". Haha. I finally decided it was up to me to just pick something we liked and name him that. While one of Tony's siblings is bent out of shape that the pattern of family naming didn't include them, I decided that it was a risk we'd have to take. We decided pretty early on that we weren't going with a "Z" name. We originally talked about Asher to stick with "A" theme with Abbie, but the "A" names I liked we had used with the other boys (Anthony, Aaron, Alexander-Zander). Even though I greatly considered using some of them again and trying to decide just how close Alexander/Zander were. I wanted to just use Joshua, but Tony wasn't as sold on it as I was.
One day I was taking a bath and was scanning boy names in my head and Mason just popped in the list. I then mentioned it to Tony and he said he really liked it. While I think he was set before I was it was now our front runner. I still tried to go with Joshua as soon as we were out of the tub after birth, but Tony still wanted Mason. That made Joshua second (his biblical name). We took the next 4 days before we took the time to discuss what his other middle name would be. We even almost didn't give him one. We finally decided to use Robert as it was Tony's grandfather's name.
While we say we're done with babies team green was really fun. I loved announcing it when he was born. If we have any more children I will again wait it out and find out at birth because it was something fun on delivery day, a day that is super painful for me.
And I must say he fits his name and it fits him. I call him Mace or Macey (which will wear off and he won't always be called a girls name ;) )

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