I still however find him very handsome and can't wait to see he ends up looking like. Since Zavier took after Zachary very much I'm wondering if this baby will look like Zayden. I have wanted all along for this baby to have Zayden's temperament as a baby because Zayden was such a good one compared to the others. However at this moment I am totally wondering why I want him to act like Zayden when Zayden has thrown himself on the floor over and over for the past 30 minutes because he's mad.
So why have I kept this baby's sex a secret for the last 10 weeks? I love him so much already I don't wish he was anything else. I dread the "oh were you trying for a girl?" comments. We weren't trying and I'll take a healthy boy over and over again just to be a healthy baby.
I have to find comfort from God knowing that he picked each of my boys to be boys. He clearly knows better than I in what he is doing. So for now on baby number 4 I get to keep being the one and only girl in my house. ;)

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