Girl. We finally told the kids this morning for Christmas. We wrapped a big box full of girly balloons. They opened it and were happy to see that it was a girl except Zavier. Zavier said "I don't like girls" lol. He's so funny.
While my fun is always ruined by something I have enjoyed so much watching the boys have Christmas this morning. Last night we went to Church and then came home bathed the kids and put them in bed. Everyone slept until 7:15 when Zander was the first one up. Followed by Zayden a few minutes later. Finally at 7:55 on my way down to put breakfast in the over I woke the remaining to sleeping boys. At first Zavier didn't want to get up because it was "too sunny" no sun just bedroom light. Tony got everyone into their Christmas jammies and changed Zander before they headed down stairs. Stefanie and mom got to skype with us while the kids opened their presents.
Zachary got a kindle, 2 transformers, jeans and a jacket, a bike helmet, a kreo and a stocking full of stuff from Santa. He got legos, pillow pet, money and other things he doesn't seem to remember. lol
Zayden got a paper jamz guitar, bike, 2 transformers, bath stuff, and a stocking full of stuff from Santa. He got the same as Zachary from everyone else.
Zavier got a bike, Evil Dr. Porkchop space ship, 2 transformers, bath stuff and a stocking full of stuff from Santa. He got a color wonder set, pillow pet and money from others.
Zander got a little tykes riding truck, bath toys, push and go car, slippers, a pop up toy and a stocking full of stuff from Santa. He then got a toy puppy, pillow pet, matchbox cars, and money from others.
Tony got some video game and a stocking full of stuff from Santa. He also got a book, money, and girl scout cookies from others.
I got slippers/shoes and a stocking full of stuff from Santa. I also got a candle, toe socks, soup mix, sunglasses, a scarf, a book and money from others.
I am most enthused with what Zander's perception of today must be. He got up put on different pj's and came down stairs to a dining room full of toys. He then has been allowed to play with the freely and ride is car around the house.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
I know I should appreciate the fact that we get WIC, but I'm so over it. I went today after being there in Aug, Sept, and Oct again for a weight check for ME. I understand they have guidelines, but encouraging a person who is considered obese on all charts and scales to gain weight just because they are pregnant doesn't seem like a healthy idea. I should have lied to them when they asked my pre-pregnancy weight to avoid this whole situation, but didn't know it would lead to this. I have to go back again next month to see a nutritionist because of my lack of weight gain. I figured that when I went today I would be ok since I was back to pre-pregnancy weight, but nope. I absolutely will NOT strive to gain weight to get them off my back. I guess I'll go back one more time and then after that just put my WIC off until baby is born since I refuse to fight for an appt I can make and the 30 minute drive each way. While I appreciate it, I don't like being told to gain weight. I'm not even close to where they think I need to be. My BMI before I got pregnant was 31.9 now I weigh the same just have a whole lb and growing baby.
I guess it also bothers me because they are not medical drs, and healthy mom with no weight gain and healthy baby are absolutely acceptable to any dr. I gained 25lbs, 15lbs, 12lbs and 18lbs in that order with the other kids so no weight gain at 23 weeks is absolutely normal for me.
I guess it also bothers me because they are not medical drs, and healthy mom with no weight gain and healthy baby are absolutely acceptable to any dr. I gained 25lbs, 15lbs, 12lbs and 18lbs in that order with the other kids so no weight gain at 23 weeks is absolutely normal for me.
Friday, November 25, 2011
What a great day we had yesterday and then today. Tony made it home about 8pm last night and the kids were just crazy excited to go pick him up. Zander is head over heals for his daddy. At first Zander wouldn't go to Tony, but when we came in the house and Tony was still in the garage Zander went back to find his daddy. Then we ate some dinner and I took the boys up to get ready for bath and Tony was in the bathroom. Zander wouldn't come up for his bath until he checked on his daddy. Then today he sat down in Tony's lap and fell asleep watching football.
Today we had a slow morning as we were in no hurry to have our Thanksgiving meal. I got up made breakfast casserole and then started on dinner preparations slowly. The boys helped here and there, but I prepped slowly to keep from overworking myself. We ate a little after 4 and it was very good.
Tonight we waited up so we could hit the sales at walmart. We were after a few things, but got out with everything but one thing. I did finally get myself a deep freeze that I have been wanting for quite sometime. Grabbed the boys some jammies for Christmas and a few toys and Tony and I got the heck out of there. We had a baby sitter for the boys. Came home grabbed a few online deals for Christmas to finish out the boys santa presents. And now I'm happy to say everyone is done for Christmas. Just need to grab stocking stuffers and something else for Zavier's birthday.
Now to continue relaxing and enjoying having Tony home for the next 3 days. I just hope he can pull his attitude stick out of his butt so I don't have to keep fighting with him.
Today we had a slow morning as we were in no hurry to have our Thanksgiving meal. I got up made breakfast casserole and then started on dinner preparations slowly. The boys helped here and there, but I prepped slowly to keep from overworking myself. We ate a little after 4 and it was very good.
Tonight we waited up so we could hit the sales at walmart. We were after a few things, but got out with everything but one thing. I did finally get myself a deep freeze that I have been wanting for quite sometime. Grabbed the boys some jammies for Christmas and a few toys and Tony and I got the heck out of there. We had a baby sitter for the boys. Came home grabbed a few online deals for Christmas to finish out the boys santa presents. And now I'm happy to say everyone is done for Christmas. Just need to grab stocking stuffers and something else for Zavier's birthday.
Now to continue relaxing and enjoying having Tony home for the next 3 days. I just hope he can pull his attitude stick out of his butt so I don't have to keep fighting with him.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Hopefully only 8 more days 9 tops...
until Tony comes home and I run away. Nobody is freaking listening to me. I have to yell all the time and I still get no where. I feel like I have too many kids, but I also feel like I can handle my large family when I have my husband around. He at least offers me a little support even if it's only him spending time with me. I really do like the alone time I have when he's gone, but I'm so done with it this time. I'll take him back now.
Zachary has just become super annoying. He babbles nonsense all the time and won't just stop talking. Goodness sakes he is 9 when I tell him to stop talking can he please just shut up? He does seem to be the only one doing ok in school as far as I can tell. Parent teacher conferences are tomorrow so I guess I'll find out for sure.
Zayden has been an extra loaded handful this time since Tony left, but also for several months. He seems to try some days and others he just fights me on every single direction/rule he is given. I'm not sure that Tony coming home will fix him, but we'll see.
Zavier on the other hand can't seem to keep his hands off others at school. I did fill his teacher in today that Daddy has been gone for a few weeks so it's starting to wear on all of us.
Zander has had 2 starbursts with wrappers today in addition to the 2 he had without wrappers. That is the just the example of Zander being a naughty toddler.
I know I always count on Tony to be my saving grace and while he is some he is certainly not the answer to the household that is over run by destructive and out of control little boys.
One day at a time, one day at a time is the only way we are making this. How am I going to do a deployment next year? I was in such a better place for the last one that looking back I truly had a good time while he was gone. I missed him terribly, but I was able to have plenty of friends in the same boat and lots to do. I just don't have that here at all. I have one friend that I see usually once a week and that is it. I have been going to a church here and am loving it for the boys I haven't found personal friendships to take outside church. I really do hate it here, but I have no where else I want to go right now so I'm sadly hoping that the next 18 months breeze by. I hate wishing for time to go faster though because the more time that passes the more my little ones grow to be big ones and it will only be a matter of time before they're gone. However after today I'd love for them to be grown and out of the house, but that probably won't last long. lol Praying that God gives me a little glimpse of his plan to hold on to until things ever return to normal here. Saying that though, what's normal? I have loved these 2 years that Tony has been home for the most part with no deployments. While he has done 3 30 day training's and a few smaller ones this is the most he's been home since we were married and he joined the army in 2004.
Zachary has just become super annoying. He babbles nonsense all the time and won't just stop talking. Goodness sakes he is 9 when I tell him to stop talking can he please just shut up? He does seem to be the only one doing ok in school as far as I can tell. Parent teacher conferences are tomorrow so I guess I'll find out for sure.
Zayden has been an extra loaded handful this time since Tony left, but also for several months. He seems to try some days and others he just fights me on every single direction/rule he is given. I'm not sure that Tony coming home will fix him, but we'll see.
Zavier on the other hand can't seem to keep his hands off others at school. I did fill his teacher in today that Daddy has been gone for a few weeks so it's starting to wear on all of us.
Zander has had 2 starbursts with wrappers today in addition to the 2 he had without wrappers. That is the just the example of Zander being a naughty toddler.
I know I always count on Tony to be my saving grace and while he is some he is certainly not the answer to the household that is over run by destructive and out of control little boys.
One day at a time, one day at a time is the only way we are making this. How am I going to do a deployment next year? I was in such a better place for the last one that looking back I truly had a good time while he was gone. I missed him terribly, but I was able to have plenty of friends in the same boat and lots to do. I just don't have that here at all. I have one friend that I see usually once a week and that is it. I have been going to a church here and am loving it for the boys I haven't found personal friendships to take outside church. I really do hate it here, but I have no where else I want to go right now so I'm sadly hoping that the next 18 months breeze by. I hate wishing for time to go faster though because the more time that passes the more my little ones grow to be big ones and it will only be a matter of time before they're gone. However after today I'd love for them to be grown and out of the house, but that probably won't last long. lol Praying that God gives me a little glimpse of his plan to hold on to until things ever return to normal here. Saying that though, what's normal? I have loved these 2 years that Tony has been home for the most part with no deployments. While he has done 3 30 day training's and a few smaller ones this is the most he's been home since we were married and he joined the army in 2004.
Monday, November 7, 2011
A long time
it's been a long time coming, but I knew it would. I haven't blogged since August because I like to say whatever I want and since I was keeping a secret from people I chose not to blog. However now that I've shared my wonderful secret I need to blog cause I don't know what to do with all the thoughts going on in my head. And well blogging is easier than therapy.
So the big secret... baby number 5 is coming in April. While I was almost instantly excited all the nay-sayers really bring down ones joy and excitement about a new baby. I am now 18 weeks tomorrow and am very excited to get through this last pregnancy. I really wanted to blog the whole thing because it has certainly been a crazy emotion filled ride so far that I wanted to remember everything about this one. The biggest difference with this one so far is the amount of time I have spent sick. I can't remember how much time I spent sick with Zander, but I am pretty sure it wasn't this long and his was quite tolerable. I nearly went days with almost no food, because any food made me feel sick. I even went as far as to get prescription meds for nausea this time. I lost some weight and last check I hadn't gained any back, but at least now I eat. I still eat too much or the wrong thing and then feel sick for many hours afterwards. Even tonight I feel sick and all I ate was a corned beef sandwich 3 1/2 hours ago. And it's given me an edge of heart burn.
While not suffering I do get really excited about this baby. While not sure how I'm going to handle having 5 kids by myself since Tony will deploy within the same time frame as the baby is due. I just feel unsettled here. I don't really like the house and I can't keep up with it. I just need to declutter, but I don't seem to know how. where do you put things you might need later? I know I probably don't need all the things I think I do, but I do try to throw stuff out occasionally.
I'm also really worried about being out here all the way away from family while Tony is gone. I know I was further in Germany, but I had tons of friends there. I could always find someone to do something with, but out here I haven't been able to find that. I have a few people I know and a few friends, but everyone here is so busy because of the difference in lifestyle compared to those in Germany who didn't have as much going on.
I miss my hubby right now while he's away at NTC. I do enjoy the quiet time I have in the evening after the kids are in bed. Not that he ever doesn't let me do what I want, but it's just different. The house does stay a bit more picked up, but not much.
Our ultrasound for the baby isn't until Dec 2nd. So I have until then to decide if I want to know the sex or not. I would really love to wait, but I think the anxiety just might eat me alive if I don't go ahead and find out.
Almost forgot...
So the big secret... baby number 5 is coming in April. While I was almost instantly excited all the nay-sayers really bring down ones joy and excitement about a new baby. I am now 18 weeks tomorrow and am very excited to get through this last pregnancy. I really wanted to blog the whole thing because it has certainly been a crazy emotion filled ride so far that I wanted to remember everything about this one. The biggest difference with this one so far is the amount of time I have spent sick. I can't remember how much time I spent sick with Zander, but I am pretty sure it wasn't this long and his was quite tolerable. I nearly went days with almost no food, because any food made me feel sick. I even went as far as to get prescription meds for nausea this time. I lost some weight and last check I hadn't gained any back, but at least now I eat. I still eat too much or the wrong thing and then feel sick for many hours afterwards. Even tonight I feel sick and all I ate was a corned beef sandwich 3 1/2 hours ago. And it's given me an edge of heart burn.
While not suffering I do get really excited about this baby. While not sure how I'm going to handle having 5 kids by myself since Tony will deploy within the same time frame as the baby is due. I just feel unsettled here. I don't really like the house and I can't keep up with it. I just need to declutter, but I don't seem to know how. where do you put things you might need later? I know I probably don't need all the things I think I do, but I do try to throw stuff out occasionally.
I'm also really worried about being out here all the way away from family while Tony is gone. I know I was further in Germany, but I had tons of friends there. I could always find someone to do something with, but out here I haven't been able to find that. I have a few people I know and a few friends, but everyone here is so busy because of the difference in lifestyle compared to those in Germany who didn't have as much going on.
I miss my hubby right now while he's away at NTC. I do enjoy the quiet time I have in the evening after the kids are in bed. Not that he ever doesn't let me do what I want, but it's just different. The house does stay a bit more picked up, but not much.
Our ultrasound for the baby isn't until Dec 2nd. So I have until then to decide if I want to know the sex or not. I would really love to wait, but I think the anxiety just might eat me alive if I don't go ahead and find out.
Almost forgot...
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Tomorrow is the big 1!
That is right Tomorrow my littlest baby turns 1. He has become quite his own person and amazes me almost daily with his abilities.
He sat early on, crawled right behind that and started walking at 11 months. He is just amazing to me. We have taught him a few signs which he uses, but not when he's frusterated. He signs milk and more. He has learned to point also to get what he wants. He has already began his toddler fit throwing and will throw himself down on the floor and hit his head. While he's using it to get his way all he really gets is people moving away from him. ;) He can empty the bookshelf in no time flat. Climbs in the dishwasher, empties the kitchen cabinets, and turns the TV channel when people are watching it. He is just a total handful. However I've said all along he is just taking it all in between everything he sees his brothers do to him and each other. He just may be the worst one knowing that he's learned from the best.
He sat early on, crawled right behind that and started walking at 11 months. He is just amazing to me. We have taught him a few signs which he uses, but not when he's frusterated. He signs milk and more. He has learned to point also to get what he wants. He has already began his toddler fit throwing and will throw himself down on the floor and hit his head. While he's using it to get his way all he really gets is people moving away from him. ;) He can empty the bookshelf in no time flat. Climbs in the dishwasher, empties the kitchen cabinets, and turns the TV channel when people are watching it. He is just a total handful. However I've said all along he is just taking it all in between everything he sees his brothers do to him and each other. He just may be the worst one knowing that he's learned from the best.
This week at wic he weighed 21 lbs 10 oz and was 28 ?? inches. They basically told me he was short and fat. But he's just all handsome and busy. He totally just cheesed it up for that picture.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Birthdays suck.
I'm tired of having birthdays. I guess I need to realize they are no different than any other day of the week, at least mine isn't. While I try to do special things for Tony's and the boy's birthdays, my birthday is just a day for the 5 of them to relax and complain. The boys have tried extra hard not to listen or do as I ask today, and I went to bed with no clean laundry to fold and a clean down stairs, you wouldn't know that now. I've done the dishes, washed my bedding, washed Zachary's bedding, and Zander's diapers. I then took the boys to the events at the library and then we went to the movies. Since then Tony has spent quality time playing a video game, taking a relaxing bath and wandering aimlessly through the house. The kids have trashed the back yard and the living room. Now I'm just trying to leave the house to do something alone, but now Tony is going to mow the yard and leaving the baby alone in the house. Guess I either don't get to go or I get to take him with me.
I just asked for one dang thing for my birthday, an oil change in my car. I just wanted Tony to take it and do it. Other than offering on the 3rd to do it on the 4th when I thought they would possibly be closed he obviously has no intentions of doing that for me. I knew I should have just taken it last Thursday when the place was empty.
July 6th is just like any ordinary day at our house.
I just asked for one dang thing for my birthday, an oil change in my car. I just wanted Tony to take it and do it. Other than offering on the 3rd to do it on the 4th when I thought they would possibly be closed he obviously has no intentions of doing that for me. I knew I should have just taken it last Thursday when the place was empty.
July 6th is just like any ordinary day at our house.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
meeting new people
I've been trying to meet up with some new people from post. I want to know more people here so that I can decide if I want to stay here, move to post, or go home when Tony deploys. There seem to be many people out here and I'm always finding people that live in the area. I have a play date set up with another mom with 4 boys on Thursday. And then another one I met said she wanted to get together and meet new people, but then when I message her about doing anything she doesn't seem to want to commit which is fine. However today when she responded she mentioned that she is looking for people to do an under 4 playdate with. I guess I understand, but that's weird. All boys cool, large families cool, but all little kids makes me wonder what people think of older kids. lol
Monday, June 20, 2011
Father's Day Weekend
I took a step back and let my hubby be in charge more than usual. I went to the dr and grocery shopping on friday, COMPLETELY ALONE. Tony picked up the kids and took them home. He put his grill together that we got him for father's day. Friday night we had a wonderful night as a family. We put up the pool, and grilled hamburgers, hotdogs, and zucchini. I made potato salad and we ate outside. Zayden said it was his best day ever. We just hung out there for a bit before we came in and shuffled everyone off to bed.
Saturday we got up and I made biscuits and gravy, packed our lunches and then we headed up to Seattle to the Museum of Flight. Using a special for military families got in for free. We spent several hours walking around looking at the airplanes plus they had a special thing going on outside with helicopters, and other emergency equipment that the kids could actually get in and touch. Zavier's favorite part was driving the firetruck. Then before we left we went in the old Air Force One plane from the 70's.
Sunday we just hung out at home, but I loved it because Tony didn't make it miserable for me. As in he didn't just sit and act like a king all day. I know that is part of the idea of Father's day, but the kids don't stop being kids for a day. I spent some time sewing and the kids and Tony spent some time playing DS.
Today is the big boys last day of school. They only have a half day so I will go here shortly to pick them up bring them home and feed them. Wanting to do either a beach or zoo trip this week to celebrate the end of year.
Saturday we got up and I made biscuits and gravy, packed our lunches and then we headed up to Seattle to the Museum of Flight. Using a special for military families got in for free. We spent several hours walking around looking at the airplanes plus they had a special thing going on outside with helicopters, and other emergency equipment that the kids could actually get in and touch. Zavier's favorite part was driving the firetruck. Then before we left we went in the old Air Force One plane from the 70's.
Sunday we just hung out at home, but I loved it because Tony didn't make it miserable for me. As in he didn't just sit and act like a king all day. I know that is part of the idea of Father's day, but the kids don't stop being kids for a day. I spent some time sewing and the kids and Tony spent some time playing DS.
Today is the big boys last day of school. They only have a half day so I will go here shortly to pick them up bring them home and feed them. Wanting to do either a beach or zoo trip this week to celebrate the end of year.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Can't decide
I just can't decide what I want to do for the boys for school next year. If I send them back to Ft. Stevens I will need to go in and have a meeting with the principal about the bitch from next door and not allowing her access to my children. I love them and want to spend more time with them, but how will I manage schooling 2 entertaining another and having a toddler running around. I know people do it all the time I could manage. I just hate that if I say anything to my mother or sister they will be negative about me keeping the kids at home. As if public schools are the best thing on earth. Tony doesn't ever seem to care about what I do with the kids and my local friends are like oh I can't teach my kids, they would drive me crazy. I also just don't know because we may or may not move and Tony won't help me decide about that either. I'm left to all these decisions and I don't know what to do. I wish I could find a local church to attend. I guess I just wish there was more to do here in Yelm so I didn't have to drive far. I'm sitting here thinking there wasn't much to do in Germany either, but I had tons of friends and I had church and PWOC.
I also have to drive to post to shop. I tried going back to walmart today for my grocery shopping, but everything was so much more money here than on post. I knew I would go broke if I did the shopping that I need to do.
I also have to drive to post to shop. I tried going back to walmart today for my grocery shopping, but everything was so much more money here than on post. I knew I would go broke if I did the shopping that I need to do.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Totally crushed me...
Tonight was the pizza party for Zachary's baseball team. The kids had pizza and then they did the awards. Well as the kids came up, one of the 2 assistant coaches would say something about each one. Now most of the comments were geared to be funny. Soandso was good at blah blah, and even though he didn't something he did this well. Zachary was about half way through and neither of them could come up with anything to say about him. I'm sorry he didn't always want to be there and he didn't always listen, but you can't think of anything to say. Are you fucking kidding me? They even talked about how some of the kids didn't listen or were bossy, but nothing about Zachary. One of them did wisper in his ear to keep his hand out of his pocket cause he often had his hand in his back pocket. I cried on the way home even though he wasn't with me because it really upset me. So glad the season is over and if he doesn't want to go with his team to the playoffs then I won't make him, they obviously don't value him on the team.
I was proud that in the last game he had 2 RBI's and he scored himself, so I guess in the end he wasn't the worst player.
I was proud that in the last game he had 2 RBI's and he scored himself, so I guess in the end he wasn't the worst player.
Monday, June 6, 2011
11 days and counting...
Until school is out. Most people I talk to aren't excited to be having their kids home from school for the summer, but I have so much stuff lined up to do with the kids that I can't wait. I need to start planning dates and place to go. Since the military are getting free entry into many museums this summer and I can't wait to take advantage of that. We're also going to do some dry runs of homeschooling to see if I can handle it all day every day. If I could just find some preschool for Zavier we'd be good, but I guess if I don't then I'll just school him for preschool. However we will also practice lining up and doing similar activities on different levels to teach them new things.
This weekend little bitty Zayden turns 6. I'm so excited for him. Tonight Zachary and I were out picking up some things for his birthday and when we came home Zachary was like I'm just so excited. I just reminded him that we will celebrate Zayden for Zayden's birthday. The boys have baseball on Saturday and Sunday, but everything should be wrapped up by party time at 3:30 at the gymnastics center.
This weekend little bitty Zayden turns 6. I'm so excited for him. Tonight Zachary and I were out picking up some things for his birthday and when we came home Zachary was like I'm just so excited. I just reminded him that we will celebrate Zayden for Zayden's birthday. The boys have baseball on Saturday and Sunday, but everything should be wrapped up by party time at 3:30 at the gymnastics center.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Annoying Neighbor strikes again...
So I dealt with her the other day. I said I would try to take care of the toys/socks/our stuff going over the fence. All I can do is remind the boys each time they go outside to keep our stuff in our yard. I will do my best, but she hasn't even given this time to work.
Today however I guess she felt the need to address this issue with my kindergarten child at school. She works at the school as a teacher's helper I think. She told him that because she has a dog over there and she doesn't want it to get sick that when toys come over the fence that she just has to throw them away because the dog chews on them. He was upset because she said she had to throw them away. However I am mad because I feel like she abused her privileges at the school to discuss something that shouldn't be discussed at school. I told her I was sorry and that I would take care of there was no need to bring it up with my child. And honestly he isn't the one throwing things over the fence, it would be my 4 year old.
I want to deal with this abuse of privileges with the school, but not sure if I should call, e-mail, or just go there. I don't deal well with confrontation, but I don't word things well when I'm mad. School is almost out, but they still have 2 full weeks plus a few days.
Today however I guess she felt the need to address this issue with my kindergarten child at school. She works at the school as a teacher's helper I think. She told him that because she has a dog over there and she doesn't want it to get sick that when toys come over the fence that she just has to throw them away because the dog chews on them. He was upset because she said she had to throw them away. However I am mad because I feel like she abused her privileges at the school to discuss something that shouldn't be discussed at school. I told her I was sorry and that I would take care of there was no need to bring it up with my child. And honestly he isn't the one throwing things over the fence, it would be my 4 year old.
I want to deal with this abuse of privileges with the school, but not sure if I should call, e-mail, or just go there. I don't deal well with confrontation, but I don't word things well when I'm mad. School is almost out, but they still have 2 full weeks plus a few days.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Annoying neighbor
For the most part they keep to themselves. They are on the board of the neighborhood. They have one son who is an older teen, he learning to drive. Anyway she works at the school and she is quite the bitch though. If a moving/delivering truck blocks her driveway she has to leave and make them move. She had to ask the moving truck to move several times when we were getting our stuff delivered last sept. Then another neighbor was getting a UPS delivery off a semi, and she of course could not wait the 5 minutes for it to be delivered, because she made that truck move to.
Now where does this all lead to? Today she came to the door, returning a wet sock that belonged to my children. I apologized and said I would try to keep them from throwing stuff over the fence. She then went on to say that she had a new puppy, and didn't want it to get a hold of something that would hurt the puppy. I'm thinking what on earth could be going over the fence that would harm a puppy? A plastic toy? A wet sock?
So I guess I'll try to keep the poisoned socks and toys in the yard as to not harm the puppy. :)
Now where does this all lead to? Today she came to the door, returning a wet sock that belonged to my children. I apologized and said I would try to keep them from throwing stuff over the fence. She then went on to say that she had a new puppy, and didn't want it to get a hold of something that would hurt the puppy. I'm thinking what on earth could be going over the fence that would harm a puppy? A plastic toy? A wet sock?
So I guess I'll try to keep the poisoned socks and toys in the yard as to not harm the puppy. :)
Monday, May 30, 2011
The more I think...
The worse off I am. lol I am still trying to decide about this moving thing. We are on the waiting list. Could most likely move in July, but I don't know if I want to. The more I read about on post housing the more I learn that right now there are some bad teens in the neighborhoods breaking into cars/houses and stealing things. I can't deal with that with or without Tony. I am already an easily scared person, so moving to an area that I know is dangerous doesn't seem like a good idea to me. Right now the boys are free to go out and play, but on post the teens are also causing trouble at the playgrounds. I think what I need to do is just wait. The 3 options are: 1. move in July to whatever the army has available. We would have to pay to get everything fixed that has been broken in this house. We save commute time for Tony, but risk the on post threat. 2. Stay here until Tony deploys early next year, pack up our belongings and put them in storage, me and the kids go home for a few months 2-3 and then return and live on post in hopes that the current dangers are dealt with. Or 3. Just stay here the whole time he is gone since we will be moving when he gets back anyway to where ever he re-enlist to go and just take an extended visit home for a month at some point.
I guess the more July sneaks up on me the more I want to stay put and not move. I just don't want to pack. I don't want less space and that is something we will deal with on post. If we stay here Tony wants to talk about getting a more gas efficient vehicle, but I want to wait until he gets back from deployment so that we're not paying insurance and payments on a car that isn't being driven.
Maybe when I go into pay my rent this month I'll set up an appointment with the rental agent and discuss some of the things that need to be done and see what she thinks. I have a fear of living here without a timed lease and just living month to month as I can't just pick up and move with 20 days notice since they don't have to have a good reason to evict us if we're not in a lease. I don't want to just move to another rental, so it's here or post.
I guess the more July sneaks up on me the more I want to stay put and not move. I just don't want to pack. I don't want less space and that is something we will deal with on post. If we stay here Tony wants to talk about getting a more gas efficient vehicle, but I want to wait until he gets back from deployment so that we're not paying insurance and payments on a car that isn't being driven.
Maybe when I go into pay my rent this month I'll set up an appointment with the rental agent and discuss some of the things that need to be done and see what she thinks. I have a fear of living here without a timed lease and just living month to month as I can't just pick up and move with 20 days notice since they don't have to have a good reason to evict us if we're not in a lease. I don't want to just move to another rental, so it's here or post.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
I feel lost when I'm not in school. The semester ended 2 weeks ago and I find myself without something to do. I don't want to spend more time cleaning because I don't want Tony to think school really took that much time so that he may not let me take classes again in the future. The kids still have 3 weeks of school left so there isn't much to go out and do until they get out of school. We're not broke, but we're trying to save for our move in July. I can't decide if I want to move or not. I don't like living where I live. I don't have enough friends out here to keep me occupied especially when Tony deploys next year. I could pack up the kids and go home for several months while he's gone. I just don't know what I want to do. I am lost in translation. :)
This weekend was supposed to be a 4 day weekend, but it never works that way for us. Tony now works Saturday for 24 hours and again on Wednesday. I mean the weather wasn't supposed to be nice, but I was planning to stay home this weekend with my hubby and the kids and just have fun together. Play games and watch movies. Sunday I wanted to take the kids to the zoo since the weather was supposed to be nice, but if he hasn't slept he may not want to go.
I did have a nice day with 2 of my friends today. We took the kids to gymnastics and then to lunch at the yummy Mexican restaurant. The kids were well behaved and we had a nice chat. I take on too much emotion from outside events. Sometimes TV and sometimes friends.
This weekend was supposed to be a 4 day weekend, but it never works that way for us. Tony now works Saturday for 24 hours and again on Wednesday. I mean the weather wasn't supposed to be nice, but I was planning to stay home this weekend with my hubby and the kids and just have fun together. Play games and watch movies. Sunday I wanted to take the kids to the zoo since the weather was supposed to be nice, but if he hasn't slept he may not want to go.
I did have a nice day with 2 of my friends today. We took the kids to gymnastics and then to lunch at the yummy Mexican restaurant. The kids were well behaved and we had a nice chat. I take on too much emotion from outside events. Sometimes TV and sometimes friends.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Homeschooling again...
I feel like that is where we are headed now that I have finished out my college classes. We won't begin until fall, but I want to go in fully prepared with lesson plans activities at home and planned outings. But where do I begin?
I have been to the local library and I checked out a book called Third Grade Success. With Zachary going into third grade I want to see figure out what level he's learning at and then go from there. I have a little less concern with Zayden because he's only doing 1st grade. I will do Zavier also if perschool for him falls through that way he can accompany us on all of the field trips.
I have been to the local library and I checked out a book called Third Grade Success. With Zachary going into third grade I want to see figure out what level he's learning at and then go from there. I have a little less concern with Zayden because he's only doing 1st grade. I will do Zavier also if perschool for him falls through that way he can accompany us on all of the field trips.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Doing it the right way.
Ok so I don't want to talk about the possible government shutdown, but being an army wife I can't ignore what may come next week. However I have fallen off the wagon and bought freely since paying off our car in Feb. We should have been putting about $1000 a month towards our remaining $10000 debts, but we have not. We have also spent through our saving buying DH a required military uniform (about $500 when all was said and done) and just having fun with the family. Now with this possible paycheck loss I don't have built up savings and I'm risking a 1/2 a paycheck. It was just what I needed to pick my crap up and quit buying stuff I don't need and get back to where I'm going to be at the end of 2011. I've recently started buying tons of cloth diapers (more than I need for 1 baby in diapers), and yesterday I started listing them for sale. I have other clothing items listed on a local yardsale site and I will be putting all funds back into my savings so that I never face this again. I'm going to build my savings back up and get back down to business and get all this debt off my back and be one in a time like this who feels sorry for everyone else while I'm still comfortable for several months. So with half our normal pay I can pay all our bills, and buy food for the remaining 2 weeks of the month and put about $250 into the savings for just in case we are still having issues at the end of April.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Ughhh. I hate half days!
I feel like I just got the boys to school and it's now time to run upstairs to shower before I go pick them up. I did get the living room picked up and a few loads of laundry done. Now to fold them so they can put them away when they get home and they have to clean their room. Our house is now a gated facility. ;) We have 2 gates up now to keep the baby monster in the living room where he crawls around in big circles. Zavier went to go to the bathroom and saw I had put up the second gate blocking the way to the bathroom and he's like "How do I get through?" It was funny cause he's been scaling these things for years. lol The other thing about half days that suck is that Zander would like to take a nap now. 50 minutes before we need to leave to get the big boys. I hate that. He has sleep very well the last 2 nights in comparison to the nights before. Night before last he slept from 11:30-4:30 and then about 5-8 in his crib both times. Then last night he slept from about 10:15-3 and then 5-8 in his crib. He gets up to eat and then won't go back to sleep until he's back in his bed. At 6:15 Zachary brought me the fussing baby and I got up and put him back in his bed where he slept until 8. He just has to be wrapped up so that he can't get up on his hands and knees to crawl away and pull up.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Crazy Busy
That's the style of life I have. We put in our paperwork to move to post this summer. Hoping to move the first week of July. Got Zavier signed up for preschool. Hopefully he can get in in the fall. He'll only go part time, but he and I need him to go to preschool. My mom is getting ready to come and we're very excited. Going to try to hit up Seattle fish market and Ocean shores or somewhere like that. Zander crawls now, pulls up and cruises the furniture. He eats big boy food with his 5 teeth. He has his first ear infection, that has caused him to be more fussy than normal, but hopefully that is beginning to feel better. So much is going on this week and Tony is spending it out with the unit. Zander had a dr appt yesterday, Zachary had baseball. Tomorrow Zavier and Zayden have baseball and a half day. Thursday is a half day then I have to meet up to sell some stuff at the px, grab some groceries, and then have parent teacher conferences, which I will be taking everyone to. And then friday again another half day, Zachary has practice, and hopefully hanging with some friends. Then everyone has baseball saturday and Grandma comes Sunday, leading us into spring break. While Tony is away, I'm trying to lose a little bit of left over baby weight. Watching what I eat, but I love food. It is so yummy. :) Day 2 is going ok. Started yesterday at XX7.2 and today was XX5.6 so just watching what I ate yesterday was helping. Today I had my morning bowl of cheerios, lunch I had a turkey and mustard sandwich, and a iceberg lettuce salad with 1 T of ranch. Then for a snack I had more cheerios. I did learn when I did WW before that cheerios and raw carrots are good munching snacks. So I eat my cheerios to pass my cravings for a snack.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Do we stay or do we go?
That is the constant problem playing over and over in my head. Do we move to post or do we stay here?
Pros About moving to post: available childcare, possibly a 4th bedroom, pets allowed, gym w/childcare, pool, commissary, px, skating rink, movies, spray park, parks/playgounds all over, hopefully a tighter community, closer to Tony's work, safety feeling for me when/if Tony deploys, more cheaper sports/activities for the boys, no more dealing with the rental company, more families in the same situation as us, hopefully more support should Tony deploy, hopefully join the chapel on post, possibly find a playgroup for Zavier to make friends, possibly find a preschool for Zavier, I don't want to stay in Washington when Tony deploys if I don't move to post, shorter commute for Tony getting more time home with the family, save money on bills, gas, rent and if we're able to conserve energy like we do here we could make a tiny bit of cash.
Cons About leaving Yelm: A move when we could be stable, leaving the school the boys like, leaving their friends, probably small house, no garage or only 1, have to move, have to wait for housing, possibly homeschool if we don't like the schools, possibility of living in a du/triplex, Have to figure out how to transfer our cable/internet/phone and possibly pay for it, Tony's not to excited to move to post, but know that it would make me feel better when he deploys.
I really just want prayer for when I go into the housing office this week that our options are more layed out for us. If they said 4 bedrooms there would be NOTHING holding us back, because sharing a room with this baby isn't working out. He sleeps with us which I'm ok with, but I would prefer he fall asleep in his own bed and then join me. I am exhausted. I just want God to show us the right path. Zachary is very upset with the consideration of a move. He wants to stay here with his friends, failing to realize he may have tons more on post. We've been debating this for a long time, but I'm now ready to act on it. I just hope it's not me making the wrong choice as I seem to make.
Pros About moving to post: available childcare, possibly a 4th bedroom, pets allowed, gym w/childcare, pool, commissary, px, skating rink, movies, spray park, parks/playgounds all over, hopefully a tighter community, closer to Tony's work, safety feeling for me when/if Tony deploys, more cheaper sports/activities for the boys, no more dealing with the rental company, more families in the same situation as us, hopefully more support should Tony deploy, hopefully join the chapel on post, possibly find a playgroup for Zavier to make friends, possibly find a preschool for Zavier, I don't want to stay in Washington when Tony deploys if I don't move to post, shorter commute for Tony getting more time home with the family, save money on bills, gas, rent and if we're able to conserve energy like we do here we could make a tiny bit of cash.
Cons About leaving Yelm: A move when we could be stable, leaving the school the boys like, leaving their friends, probably small house, no garage or only 1, have to move, have to wait for housing, possibly homeschool if we don't like the schools, possibility of living in a du/triplex, Have to figure out how to transfer our cable/internet/phone and possibly pay for it, Tony's not to excited to move to post, but know that it would make me feel better when he deploys.
I really just want prayer for when I go into the housing office this week that our options are more layed out for us. If they said 4 bedrooms there would be NOTHING holding us back, because sharing a room with this baby isn't working out. He sleeps with us which I'm ok with, but I would prefer he fall asleep in his own bed and then join me. I am exhausted. I just want God to show us the right path. Zachary is very upset with the consideration of a move. He wants to stay here with his friends, failing to realize he may have tons more on post. We've been debating this for a long time, but I'm now ready to act on it. I just hope it's not me making the wrong choice as I seem to make.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
What a good day
Yesterday was and today is heading that way also. Had a nice dinner together last night as a family and up until basketball started that was an every night thing, but now 2 nights a week are disturbed by basketball, most often at 6. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, corn and gravy the kids loved it and all had seconds.
The guy to repair the leaking window, that is leaking into the garage is suppose to be coming today and our bathroom sink. Sometime between 9 and 11, but now it's 10:21 and Zander just went down, so the sink isn't going to be working out today. I won't be waking my baby. Also the Rental company lady is coming at 11:30, but she isn't going to be going into my bedroom either.
Well I guess I was just trying to put off doing my school work so I'll get on to that now.
The guy to repair the leaking window, that is leaking into the garage is suppose to be coming today and our bathroom sink. Sometime between 9 and 11, but now it's 10:21 and Zander just went down, so the sink isn't going to be working out today. I won't be waking my baby. Also the Rental company lady is coming at 11:30, but she isn't going to be going into my bedroom either.
Well I guess I was just trying to put off doing my school work so I'll get on to that now.
Friday, January 14, 2011
School is starting up again...
For me that is. I'm not sure how this semester will go considering I have 4 kids and a hubby who has long days at work. In a way I'm excited, but fearful of that the work that will be involved since I'm taking 12 credits again, broken into 5 classes.
Zachary is being difficult in school lately. I know part of it stems from Tony being in the field these last two weeks. After this last deployment Zachary isn't letting Tony get very far without him. However now that Zachary is playing basketball, he and Tony get to spend some guy time going to practice and being there.
Zayden's just lost in the middle. :) So just kidding with that, he will not be left out or forgotten. He is going to play T-ball in the spring with Zavier, while Zachary plays soft ball. That will be crazy for me so hopefully I can get to both most of the time. Zayden is doing awesome in school most days. I think his problems come from being such a helper that he just wants to help others in his class, causing him to be out of his seat.
Zavier had a cold this week and threw up the week before Christmas, but being as that he's the only one that has been sick makes things easier. So far we're not passing it from child to child or adult. He just tags along to whatever I'm doing or what big brothers are into. He likes to get down on Zander's playmat and play with him.
Zander has a little cold, his first, but keeping up his nursing is the best medicine anyone can offer. He's gaining the interest to roll from back to belly, but not there yet. He's been doing push-ups to work out those tiny baby arms in prep for crawling, however I wish he'd just stay put for a while longer. He is sitting completely unattended, however I don't leave him for long just to make sure he doesn't fall over when he gets so excited he's sitting alone. He is rounding the corner in sleeping better at least for naps. I get about 3 two-hour naps out of him everyday and that is defiantly helpful in getting things done.
Tony spent 8 days/nights in the field. While I was able to hold the fort down here at home without him, once the colds hit the two little ones I was struggling. However I am hopeful that this year should mostly just be field exercises. Maybe a deployment in Dec, but hopefully not until 2012.
I am excited that we paid off our washer and dryer this week. We have the pay off amount for our van and will hopefully be paying it in full by March 1st, 17 months early. Our goal this year is to get out of all debt and this just may be possible so we are very excited. Then Tony will probably pick up a deployment to build our savings before we're at the line to decide what will be next, re-enlistment or get out.
Zachary is being difficult in school lately. I know part of it stems from Tony being in the field these last two weeks. After this last deployment Zachary isn't letting Tony get very far without him. However now that Zachary is playing basketball, he and Tony get to spend some guy time going to practice and being there.
Zayden's just lost in the middle. :) So just kidding with that, he will not be left out or forgotten. He is going to play T-ball in the spring with Zavier, while Zachary plays soft ball. That will be crazy for me so hopefully I can get to both most of the time. Zayden is doing awesome in school most days. I think his problems come from being such a helper that he just wants to help others in his class, causing him to be out of his seat.
Zavier had a cold this week and threw up the week before Christmas, but being as that he's the only one that has been sick makes things easier. So far we're not passing it from child to child or adult. He just tags along to whatever I'm doing or what big brothers are into. He likes to get down on Zander's playmat and play with him.
Zander has a little cold, his first, but keeping up his nursing is the best medicine anyone can offer. He's gaining the interest to roll from back to belly, but not there yet. He's been doing push-ups to work out those tiny baby arms in prep for crawling, however I wish he'd just stay put for a while longer. He is sitting completely unattended, however I don't leave him for long just to make sure he doesn't fall over when he gets so excited he's sitting alone. He is rounding the corner in sleeping better at least for naps. I get about 3 two-hour naps out of him everyday and that is defiantly helpful in getting things done.
Tony spent 8 days/nights in the field. While I was able to hold the fort down here at home without him, once the colds hit the two little ones I was struggling. However I am hopeful that this year should mostly just be field exercises. Maybe a deployment in Dec, but hopefully not until 2012.
I am excited that we paid off our washer and dryer this week. We have the pay off amount for our van and will hopefully be paying it in full by March 1st, 17 months early. Our goal this year is to get out of all debt and this just may be possible so we are very excited. Then Tony will probably pick up a deployment to build our savings before we're at the line to decide what will be next, re-enlistment or get out.
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