Sunday, October 24, 2010


Goodness is that horribly annoying. It is so hard to order a product that I'm going to have to pay for with someone whose first language isn't English. And when they are just have an online chat and they can't get the English down it's crazy. Yes they have the copy and pasting down, but sometimes my questions need more of an answer than the one you gave me before. I could have been in bed an hour ago, but I decided to go ahead and sign us up for the phone/tv/internet package that is advertised for $99/month since we're already paying $49/month just for internet, but after they tack on all the fees they need to add and of course tax it isn't really that close to $99/month in my opinion $113.95+tax/month. Oh well. Tony just wants to watch football and I figured I should just give in. And I would love to be able to watch some tv again. It's been almost 2 1/2 years. lol Oh well off to bed I go, now that I am done talking to "Manuel".

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I feel like I'm drowning...

but the last few days I think I've made it to the edge of the pool and got my head above water. I hate all the debt that we took on to make this move here, but we can't change what we have already done. However with diligent money moves we should be able to climb completely out of debt in about 18 months. That is going to be my goal. Tony wants out as much as I do, it is just easier for him since I am the one that has to do it. He makes the money, but he wouldn't know where to put it. If he could get his promotion this month that would totally speed this along and make me feel more comfortable about it. Also if we could get these two Christmas program benefits that would make things so much easier. I'm just keeping it in prayer that whatever God has in store for us he shows me a little so that I can relax and enjoy life.
Debt total about $27900.

I miss my friends...

from Schweinfurt. I haven't gotten over what I feel is a big loss. I was so ready to leave and we're in a better place for us as a family, but gosh I miss my friends. There was a relationship with my friends I've never had while our husbands were gone. We were all each other had and we did what we had to do to survive. I miss my friends, Denise, Trisha, Gina, Holly, Beth, Angelina. There was always a friend around because we were all in such a small community. The kids had a playmate nearby all the time and I miss that. Denise had her baby yesterday, my friend that I went with when she found out the sex (as I called it when I saw it). I just miss the close knit community and most likely won't have that again on a stateside post. Even though the deployment was rough, my friends made it tolerable. I will always miss all the close friends I made in my 2 years in Germany.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

2 months

Little man will be 2 months old tomorrow. Where has the time gone? I like where we are at right now. We are settled in finally and the kids are settled and seem more relaxed. Still have somethings to be sorted and put away and lots to throw away, but can only do a little at a time. However I did get several things thrown out/recycled with todays trash so that helped a little. I finally decided to order a new phone after parts of my phone not working after it's swimming incident.

Zachary is having a good time in school. I do have some issues with all the references he says about bullies. He also said to me yesterday that he has to calm some boy down some days so that the boy doesn't kill someone. Is this really how it is in 2nd grade? My kids aren't underexposed to adult situations by any means, but I feel like this takes it a little too far. I will ask him about it again, because I like to see how or if any anything changes from one talk about it to the next. I haven't stepped in with the bullying that he was dealing with from some kids (the bullies) to Zachary's friend, as it seemed to settle down on its own, but I don't want Zachary to feel it's his place to help little murder wantabes. I am pretty sure it's just talk, but that is a lot of pressure to put on a 7 year old. However I have learned in this year that Zachary may end up wanting to be a psychologist. ;)

Zayden is good. He just has more homework than I would like for a Kindergartner. Daily reading, a homework packet and a reading packet is too much IMHO. Tony tries to help, but when he gets home there just isn't time usually. I think he is doing well trying to make friends however he is content playing and doing alone.

Zavier and I have started doing some more activities for just him while the big boys are at school. It is the first time he gets to be in charge of activities since usually he's 3rd in line to pick. lol However lately when I'm dealing with Zander or other household chores he's made some bad choices, ex. coloring on the wall with permanent marker, and using adult scissors.

Zander went through a growth spurt last week where I'm pretty sure we nursed for almost 6 hours straight. He goes to the dr. tomorrow so we'll see just how big he is. He is already getting too long for his 3 month clothes so I've washed what 6 month stuff I have. I'm not surprised by how fast he's growing as he fits right in with his brothers, but a little slower would be ok.

Stefanie left on Sunday after staying with us for 10 days. I hope she enjoyed her visit. We went to the Zoo and Puget Sound, then to the Space needle and Seattle Children's museum, with just daily stuff during the week.

Well I'm off to work on my body and get this weight off. I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but I would like a lot more off.