Friday, February 3, 2012

Terrible toddlers.

My my what this toddler has turned in to. I read an article on Monday about changes in toddler behavior between about 18-21 months. Well that same day it kicked in with little Zander at 17 1/2 months. Nap time was crappy for 2 days and bedtime last night he was a pill. I know he lacks much communication he does have a handful of signs he can use to communicate. Guess we will have to look up some more signs to teach him. He does like to nurse still and he acts much better after some quality time with mom. He is overall much better for daddy. He loves to run to the door everyday looking for his dad. He has taken up hitting his brothers and making a horrible noise when he doesn't get what he wants which is often since he doesn't always know what he wants either. He better get his baby self together since he is going to have a sister in about 9-10 weeks.