Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

This isn't a day that affects me too much. It is usually just another day I get to spend with my own soldier. However this year after a tragedy that struck close to home has changed it for me. I cannot stop thinking about a young mom here that lost her husband in March in a training exercise. She has been so strong on the outside through it all, I can't imagine her pain that she is going through daily. May God be with her today and everyday as she lives on with his memories. He was a good man, who loved his family, and was a very dedicated soldier. So today I'm spending it remembering him and his family after their storm.

Honestly though there are not many days that go by and she doesn't cross my mind in some way. Her husband was just "in the field" with in miles from his home. Due to carelessness he was killed just shortly before he was to return home.

As a field artillery wife when I send my husband to the field, I'm never prepared for the goodbye. Sometimes he leaves so early in the morning I don't know he's gone and I certainly don't say goodbye or kiss him goodbye. He's so close that I assume he's safe and will be home shortly. He's not in a war, he's not taking opposition fire. He's out training and using new equipment.

After this tragedy, his leaving is just not the same. I make sure to say bye and to kiss him. The loss for this spouse and her kids has affected me and I didn't even know him more than being at the same party once or twice. Field exercises are not the same for me and I don't think they are for Tony either. I'm not sure how much he knows I think about accidents happening in the field, but all the time.

This is her announcement that she posted on Facebook. I had already heard that soldier was killed, but I had no idea who it was.
"Ok. It is time I make the worst announcement of my life. My husband, U.S. Army Captain Jonathan Frederick Wynkoop was killed yesterday morning during an field training accident. I see all of your messages, I hear all of your love, but honestly. Honestly I can't process these messages. My head is fogged. I am weary. I am not alone, I have help as I am still in Texas, and I know that I can contact anyone for help as need be. I will be. I love you all, but really I loved Jon the most. He was my everything. He was such a great example as a husband, father, son, friend, and colleague. His legacy will live on."

I'm not really sure how to finish this, but today is a day for remembering those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country. 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Took the plunge into a home bases business and I'm so excited

I really never thought I would be so excited and love a product so much that I would consider selling it. But I found it. I am so excited for these products. I just want to share them everywhere. I am hoping this will be a successful business for me.

So what do I sell now? Norwex. While I'm not big on doing presentations, I really really like the norwex line and the fact that all of it is safe for kids (and pets if I had them).

My products will start arriving this week and I can't wait to use the mop the most. It is so simple and doesn't have to be washed after every use. It also can be rinsed and reused over and over so that I know the floor will be so much cleaner.

It will also be easy to hand the kids a cloth have them go clean their chore room and then rinse and hang when done. It won't add extra laundry or trash for me to have to deal with later.

Here is my website and I would love to have you host a party for me,

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Zander's in Kindergarten

I am just so excited about this little guy and his learning. He is so bright and so driven to keep going and to learn new things. He's 4. He won't be 5 until August and he's doing so well. He's doing great in math and reading. He's doing regular math up to about 10 or 12.

I was so worried about teaching him because he's very particular about what he's doing and I was afraid it would be hard to get him to focus. It has been super easy. He sits down does a few pages and then goes on. Yesterday he was doing beginning sounds. Now we haven't really worked on that, but he is whizzing through it and getting the answers right. It is just amazing to me.

I am worried about keeping up with his drive and pushing him to excel without overworking his little 4 year old ability.