Thursday, April 21, 2016

Time to face the reality

We're finishing up our third year homeschooling. The first year we used a set curriculum through My Father's World and added in English and math. After that I went with a more laid back curriculum because I felt MFW had too much fluff. With 6 kids, 4 school age we struggle to get through basic necessities (math, reading, english, science, and history) let alone anything fun I want to do with them.

I have been working on getting them on computer based programs to ease some of the workload for me, but it just has not worked out. I have looked into many programs and even tried a few. So this is my acceptance of the reality that I am not going to be able to get out of going through each subject with each child every day.

We will probably school through the end of May and possibly in to June. I have a five week course that I need to take some time in the next year in addition to my regular course I will be taking to finish my Sociology degree so if we take some of summer off I can probably get that class taken care of. This class also requires some volunteer work so if they are out of school maybe I can get more opportunities.

I have just under 12 months of school before finishing my degree. I am getting a little burnt out on writing papers since it is 1-2 papers a week for most classes. I will get my associate of arts degree in May as I transferred a class back from Grand Canyon to the community college I attended in the past. Associate degree this year and Bachelors next year. As much as I don't like writing papers I do enjoy being in school. Gives me a drive to learn something specific.

Much of the reason I do not blog often is my school and school for 4 kids and entertainment for 2 kids takes up all my time. So until I find another moment.