Monday, September 21, 2015

Not just another field exercise...

After the accident that happened in the field in March 2015 to Capt. Jon Wynkoop no field exercise is the same for me, and I imagine many others who are in the field and spouses left behind. The Army Times released 2 articles about the incident. They took the time to get the reports and release them. These type of training exercises are becoming all to common. They are either short supplies or training for the mission to be completed safely or they are straight up doing something they have been advised against. 

I pray for this family and the others who have faced similar experiences for our country. 

This is another family that grew up not far from where I grew up and again an accident took his life, left his wife a widow, and children fatherless. 

I pray that the next leadership we get to lead our country will take a moment and do what s/he can to make sure that money is not an issue for military training. They want military to be ready at a moment's notice to defend our country, which is their job, but let's equip them with the proper tools and training to stay safe during the training and then be ready to defend our country when needed. 

I know these two families are not the only two, but they are two who shouldn't have been in the dangerous situations they were in. 

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